Monday, January 26, 2009

SS class Jan 23

The SS meeting consisted of 2 notes packets and a resource packet. I have the extra notes if you all didn't catch all of what Dr. Edgington said. The notes packets were "A Brief Hostory of Social Studies" and "What is social studies?"

(Janis- I have all of your packets and you can copy the extra stuff I wrote).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Due date update

Just a friendly reminder for those that haven't made it to the facebook group site yet, or are not doing facebook for whatever reason.

Upcoming due dates
January 29th Webpage due for Dr. L
January 30th assignment #1 due for Dr. Edgington.

***ELAR- if you have due dates that you would like to include on the calander here and on FB please either send me an email or make a comment or post on FB. I will try to have a reminder event sent our on FB if you get the due date to me in time.***

Class January 22, 2009

Can you believe we are already on week 2 of classes??? This semester is going to FLY BY and we will be student teaching before we know it!!

Today in class, we discussed PBWiki again. Dont forget to get this taken care of asap. You have several guidelines for this assignment, so make sure you catch all of those.

DONT FORGET TO put your VOKI on your page. The tutorial for this can be found on blackboard...

We also discussed the difference between web 1.0 and 2.0.

As for all the new homework, I am really lost and overwhelmed, so now is the time for someone to jump in and take over this part!! I dont want to make it more confusing for you all!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Social Studies Meetings

For those that didn't get the social studies meeting dates I've posted them on FB already but I'll post here also.

Jan 22
Feb 5
Feb 12
Ap 16
Ap 30

All of these dates are at 10am. There will be some days that we will meet in 417 and some days that we will meet in the conference room. Be on the lookout for a sticky note posted in the sign in book.

Hope this helps

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hey to All-

Facebook group is up and running. Let me know if you can't see what is going on Facebook for one reason or another and I'll be happy to add it on here!

Thanks and have a Great Day!

Thursday January 15, 2009

Class began with an introduction of each student. By choosing one M&M of our favorite color, we were given something to talk about. Each colored M&M had a topic to guide our introductions. For example, brown indicated a memory/embarrassing moment, red=family, yellow=why you chose to be a teacher, green=hobbies, blue was a wild card where you could choose what to talk about. This was very helpful in getting to know our peers a little better.

We were also made aware of something that we should all be thinking about very seriously. Most all of us are all addicted to some sort of social networking site; whether it be facebook, myspace, or the latest craze~ We are in our final stages of our teacher preparations, so we will be searching for jobs is in our very near future. In the fall we will attend a job fair and begin handing out resumes to potential employers if not doing so already. Although college may be more fun than we can even blog about, we are facing some serious technological obstacles if we don't clean up our sites. It's very unfortunate that potential employers can pull apart our personal lives through means of the web, but THEY CAN!! Now is the time to start building a better "online reputation". Even if your profiles are set to private, there is a way around this! Although that Kodak moment was something you never wanted to forget, just think, is it really worth not being considered for a job or being let go because your student's parents have uncovered something they deem inappropriate.

Now~On a happier note:

Choose whether you would like to use your facebook and twitter in the class. This is optional, but can be helpful.

Also, Create a GMAIL and SKYPE account!! This is not optional and will be used throughout the duration of the semester!

Go ahead and begin creating PBwiki webpage. This is the first assignment and again, is not optional.

Complete both online surveys by this coming Sunday~

Take a deep breath...week one is almost over!!